Tuesday, December 31, 2019
The Economy And Government Project - 2095 Words
Markets and Government Project Introduction Italy is a small Republic that borders France and multiple bodies of water such as; the Liguarian Sea, the Tyrrhenian Sea, and the Ionian Sea. The country consists of small islands but also many enclaves and cities on the mainland as well. As of 2005 their population was estimated around 58,103,000 people. Their largest city and capital is Rome, but Vatican City where the Pope resides is also in Italy. Italy is home to a large amount of historic and cultural cities like Florence, Tuscany, Siena, Bologna, and Naples. Italy is governed under the constitution of 1948 as amended. According to the Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia: â€Å"They have a president, who is the head of state, and elected by†¦show more content†¦Due to their vast plains, Italy began to industrialize late in comparison to other European nations because it was a largely agricultural country. â€Å"It wasn’t until 1950 that industry began to develop rapidly, and by 2006 industry contributed to 30% of the annual gross domestic product.†(Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia 2012). The country relies heavily on tourism, it is one of their major industries and also an essential source of foreign exchange. Italy’s economy has gradually been diversifying, shifting from food and textiles to engineering. Although many of Italy’s important industries are state-owned, the trend in recent years has been toward privatization. â€Å"The service sector has growing importance in Italy and employs well over half the labor force. Italy has large foreign trade, facilitated by it’s large commercial shipping fleet. †(Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia 2012). Their leading exports are motor vehicles, clothes, and engineering products. Their chief trade partners are Germany, France, Spain, and Great Britain. Italy’s economy has deceptive strength because it is supported by a substantial â€Å"underground†economy that functions outside government controls. Part 1 Overall the country does not have much economic freedom, it has some, but not much. So on the spectrum of economic systems it would fall towards the middle, but leaning more toward a command socialist economy. Italy has some freedom in
Monday, December 23, 2019
Evolution Of Divorce And The Consequences It Has On Todays...
For my research project, I would like to explore the evolution of divorce/marriage and the consequences it has on todays society. In todays society the definition of family has dramatically changed, both by structure and by definition. Divorce is now the norm. Today in the United States it is believed that the divorce rate hovers at about 50% and that one of every six adults divorces two or more times. Why has this become normal, and what can we do to fix this? I believe that by taking a step back and focusing on marriage, and really knowing who your marrying, we could see a significant drop in divorce and the problems developing in each generation. Divorce is never something to be taken lightly. In this paper I will examine the unfolding of divorce and how it evolved into what it is today, therefore shed some light on possibilities to undercut the still rising divorce rate. While I go through this paper I will give you a complete background on the former marriage regime and how divorce was in the past vs now. While divorce is helpful for some people it can also be a difficult and painful process for others. My goal is to not come off as one sided but to really educate you on the background of marriage and divorce and hopefully learn from our past mistakes. My position is that we need to understand the effects and the consequences of divorce so we can reevaluate how we view and define divorce, and therefore marriage. How has divorce revolutionized, what can we do to fixShow MoreRelatedMarriage And The State : Marriage1265 Words  | 6 Pagescivilization and morals. However, defining marriage in the society of today can be a challenge. This is because the marriage of today differs with what marriage was considered to be in the past. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019
Adult Development †Summary Free Essays
Adult Development Brian Carter West Georgia Technical College Adult Development ABSTRACT This paper explores and details the biological, cognitive, and social development of the author during the stages of infancy, early childhood, middle childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood. It will compare the author’s experiences and developmental milestones with the theories presented in the textbook. The combination of all of these factors, combined with the reactions and actions taken by the author in response to his environment and experiences, are what make him the person he is today. We will write a custom essay sample on Adult Development – Summary or any similar topic only for you Order Now Adult Observation During an individual’s lifespan development, he passes through several developmental stages, each with its own physical, cognitive, and social milestones. Whether the individual is an infant, child, adolescent, or adult, he is continually developing in almost every aspect in response to life, environmental, and physical demands. It is how the individual reacts to these changes that determine the direction and quality of the individual’s life in the future. The way an individual participates in social activities, engages himself in educational opportunities, and takes time to self-reflect on his experiences all interact to form the direction the individual’s life take. The social, cognitive, and physical aspects of the author’s lifespan development thus far will be described and discussed in detail. The author is a thirty-five year old Caucasian male who lives in a suburb of Atlanta. He was born into and raised in a mostly suburban middle-class household in Louisiana, where he lived until age 23, when he moved to metropolitan Atlanta. He is currently married for the second time, and is expecting his first son to be born in the next week. He has one younger sister who is also grown and married with one stepson. The author’s parents were born and raised in rural West Virginia. His father is college educated. His mother attended college, but did not graduate. He is a college graduate, and his wife has a graduate degree in Education. Both are employed full-time. INFANCY The author was born an eight-pound, four-ounce baby in August of 1975. During the first months of his life, he followed the general outline described in the textbook for breastfeeding and his introduction to solid foods (Dacey 2009). He also developed normally, in physical, cognitive, and social aspects. Aside from a short stint of high fever as a baby, the author experienced no major physical ailments as an infant. EARLY CHILDHOOD As the author progressed into early childhood, he began to exhibit traits of increased intelligence. Thanks to highly involved parents and support group, he was always encouraged to participate in educational activities, rather than playing idly. REFERENCES Dacey, John S. , John F. Travers, and Lisa B. Fiore. Human Development across the Lifespan. Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill, 2009. Print. How to cite Adult Development – Summary, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Developing a Strategic Business Plan-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Write a Reflective Journal Strategic Business Planning. Answer: Introduction I am an MBA student pursuing Time management. This is a reflective journal that I prepared after working with a group of students in preparing a strategic business plan. In this work, I reflect upon the strategic business plan that we developed as a group. The purpose of this reflective report is to help me reflect on my records and present my understanding and experiences that I gained during the whole period in which we undertook the project. As part of the project, we were supposed to make two presentations before the class and before the lecture. Reflecting upon this practice, it helped me gain confidence in addressing people. The report reflects what I achieved as an individual and as a member of the group. Reflecting on the experience while working on the project it helped gain important knowledge about my career and the responsibilities that I am likely to handle in the future. To be more specific the project helped me gain a better understanding of the strategic business plan . Discussion Working as part of a group I gained important knowledge and skills needed in developing a strategic business plan. A business plan can be described as a formal document that outlines the goals of the business, explains why they are attainable and the strategies that will be adopted to achieve the goals (Finch, 2016). The business plan may also include background information about the organization. In our group, we wrote a business plan for Impresso Espresso Caf which aims at becoming an essential daily necessity for local coffee lovers. The business will be strategically located in Canberra Centre which will provide it with exposure to the passing shoppers. The objective of the business is to provide a place that will enable the customers to escape daily stress of life and enjoy comfort with their families, friends, and colleagues. Reflecting on this strategic business plan, I learned the importance of a strategic plan to a business which includes, clarification of direction of the b usiness and the vision of the business.Business plans can also be used in sourcing funding for the business, attracting potential investors, partners, employees, and suppliers among others, it also outlines the organizational structure of the business which is essential in managing the business (Ellis et al., 2016). The following are the advantages of developing a strategic business plan that I was able to identify. A business plan enables the organization to stick to its strategies which would be impossible without the plan due to daily interruptions (Ward, 2016) A business plan enables a business to make informed predictions on factors like the potential market, costs, sales, and new products among others (Ward, 2016). A business plan is also essential in choosing business priorities which will lead to business growth, management, and financial growth. It is important to monitor the progress of a business a business plan help in keeping track on the milestones achieved by the business (Harvard Business School, 2007). I also identified the following disadvantages of a business plan. Too much time may be spent on activities that may not benefit the organization. For an instant a lot of time than required can be used in gathering information thus delaying others activities. Lack of accountability and poor implementation- most of the strategic business plans fail due to lack of proper execution. Some of the organizations after developing business plans, they store them, and they fail to implement them. Reflecting on this I was able to understand that despite the many benefits of a strategic business plan it can have some disadvantages that managers and business owners should be aware of (Sakamiksha, 2016). Developing a strategic business plan is faced with several limitations which are different depending on various contexts and application some of the limitation of strategic business planning for instance planning creates rigidity in some cases change to occur in the in an organization. However, having a set plan may limit the organization from making many changes since they may not be willing to alter their plans, planning may also hinder innovation since it provides specific procedures that should be followed in the activities of the organization, strategic planning may time-consuming and costly (Sakamiksha, 2016). In the process of developing a strategic business plan, I also learned that stakeholders in business might have different views a perception about the long-term as well as the long-term goals of the business. In our group, every person had his or her view concerning the plan. Despite agreeing on the priorities given to certain ideas and activities we still had several ideas which were conflicting in terms of priority. According to Grant Thornton Ltd (2015), prioritization misalignment among the stakeholders affects every organization. However, are agreement has to be made by considering the best alternative among the proposed ones. While working as a group, we faced some challenges which included difficulty in coordinating our activities; this is because the group members had different schedules to attend to. However, we were able to solve this counter this challenge by agreeing on specific times when every member of the group would be available. Another challenge that we encountered was the long distance that some of us had to travel to attend group discussion. To solve address this issue we could communicate early enough to ensure that everyone had enough time to travel to our meeting point. Reflecting on this experience, I was able to identify some of the challenges that I may face while working with a team and how to solve them. Conclusion From this activity, I managed to put theoretical knowledge learned in class into practice. I was able to develop better techniques of writing business plans which are essential in my career as a time manager. Reflecting on this experiences, I can conclude that I was able to gain awareness, appreciation, and empathy with the strategic business planning and plan development which was the main objective of the project. References Ellis, J., Nagel, R., Wijsman, P. (2016). Envisioning The Way to Continued Success by The Bay: The San Francisco Public Utilities Commissions Organizational Strategic Business Planning Process. Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation. Vol.2016, 340-352. Finch, B. 2016. How to write a business plan. Kogan Page Publishers Grant Thornton Ltd. 2015. Competing priorities: Are CAE and audit committee priorities in sync? Governance, Risk and Compliance survey. Harvard Business School. 2007. Creating a business plan: Expert solution to everyday challenges. The United States. Richard, L. 2017. The disadvantages of business planning. Chron Article. Available at: tp://smallbusiness.chron.com/disadvantages-business-planning-2541.html Sakamiksha, S. 2016. Main limitations of planning in any organizations. Article Library. Available at: https://www.yourarticlelibrary.com/organization/6-main-limitations-of-planning-in-any-organizations/905/ Ward, J. 2016. Keeping the family business healthy: How to plan for continuing growth, profitability, and family leadership. Springer.
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