Friday, November 29, 2019
Richard II Essays - House Of Plantagenet, Knights Of The Garter
Richard II Richard became king at the age of ten, taking over for his father, Edward the Black Prince, Edward III's oldest son, who predeceased his father. This elevation gave the boy authority over all nobles, including his uncles. Once crowned, Richard's right to rule and to have his commands obeyed was supported by the order of God, since it was believed that the king's power was issued directly from God. The king served as the representative of God on Earth, and to resist the will of the king was to onset oneself against the order of the universe and the will of God. Therefore, the king ruled by divine right, and it was this belief that served as Richard's primary weapon. Richard is a king and not simply a man and this play is about the claim of a king. Most of Richard's actions have to do with the act of kingly power or the failure to act. Richard is not just; the matter of Gloucester's death proves just that. As long as Richard is king he is just the landlord of England. Richard is unjust towards Gaunt and replies with rage and threat "A lunatic lean-witted fool." His coldness at the passing of a great man is shocking but with his next lines he moves from the insensitive to the illegal. When he seizes Gaunt's possessions he breaks the law and deprives Bolingbroke of his inheritance he strikes at the foundations of his own power but still believes that he is right in everything that he does. If Bolingbroke, Duke of Hereford and the son of the Duke of Lancaster, does not inherit his father's lands and titles, Richard is challenging the same rule that gave him the right to govern England, by inheritance from his father the Black Prince and his grandfather Edward III. When King Richard lands on the coast of Wales, he is aware of the existence of the rebellion but convinced that the nature of the kingship will protect him. Not all the water in the rough rude sea Can wash the balm from an anointed king... For every man that Bolingbroke hath pressed To lift shrewd steel against our golden crown, God for his Richard hath in heavenly pay A glorious angel... Richard's elaborate comparison here of the king to the sun, leads into his belief of divine right. Many qualities of this quotation reflect the character of Richard; he sees himself as the glorious fire, which is parallel to the traditional image of the King as the sun. When Richard actually removes the crown, he does so with a poetic flair that intimates that he, a divinely ordained king, will always possess a majesty that Bolingbroke, forever a usurper, can only dream of: With mine own tears I wash away my balm, With mine own hands I give away my crown... The implication is that only a lawful king can follow this ceremony, and Bolingbroke will never have such status, he will forever be smaller then Richard, who concludes his performance with a line of forgiveness. Though I did wish him dead, I hate the murderer... Henry banishes the knight from his presence and decides on a voyage to the Holy Land to compensate his guilt. For he has killed a king, the Lord's ordained, and it is a crime that will cast a dark shadow over England for a long time to come. I believe that Shakespeare was writing this play with the belief in divine right. Shakespeare is writing this play for the Queen's pleasure and his views cannot be so drastic or he could be beheaded. There are many references to God in relation to Richard and divine right. When Richard gives up his crown he also loses his identity, we should hate Richard for being a weak ruler and love Bolingbroke for being strong and able to take a stand on the many issues Richard could not, but the reverse happens at the end of this play.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Persuasive Writing Is Getting the Reader to Say Yes
Persuasive Writing Is Getting the Reader to Say Yes Persuasive Writing Is Getting the Reader to Say â€Å"Yes†Persuasive Writing Is Getting the Reader to Say â€Å"Yes†By Mark Nichol All writing, in a sense, is persuasive writing. Even in fiction, the writer asks readers to engage in a story and agree, or at least sympathize, with a premise. But two particular types of prose, the advertisement and the argument, encourage readers to buy something, whether it’s a literal purchase of a service or a product or a figurative acquisition of a proposition or an idea. The principles, regardless of the writing format, are essentially the same. Headline Writers accustomed to thinking of persuasive writing as an assignment in English class may be tempted to skip over this section, but whether you’re crafting an opinion piece for a publication or writing ad copy, the headline is the most important part of the composition. Therefore, marketing consultants advise writers to spend half the time it takes to craft a piece of persuasive writing on the headline. Most people, they say, will read a headline, but few will read what follows unless the headline encourages them to. The tone of a headline depends on the argument or message, of course; the wording will differ widely depending on whether the text is authoritative or entertaining (though there is no reason to omit one of these qualities at the expense of the other). Do, however, keep it as short as possible certainly, less than ten words long, unless you simply can’t get your message across without more. (But try to abbreviate it one more time.) Above all, write the headline first. You can always change it later, but by beginning with a headline, you provide yourself with a statement of your premise to keep you on track. Structure The following guidelines may read like something out of Comp 101, but bear with me: Introduce your point in a topic paragraph. Present your arguments in separate paragraphs. Provide facts or examples for each argument. Offer alternative or opposing viewpoints and argue why they are not valid or feasible. Summarize your point in a concluding paragraph. So, where’s the part about a five-paragraph essay in which each paragraph consists of five sentences? That’s the traditional formula for persuasive writing, but there’s no reason to follow it. You should, however, know it, and know the five structural steps, because you must know the rules before you can effectively break them. Even if you’re writing ad copy, you might try drafting your proposition according to these templates. Then, at that point, you can mold your message in whatever form works for you. But adhering to the rules, at least initially, can help you develop your argument without concerning yourself with the format. Techniques Apply these ideas to your argument: Provocation: Explain a problem that must be resolved and solve it. Explanation: Clearly state your solution. Repetition: Reiterate your premise. Authority: Establish your credibility with rational, responsible statements (ethos, or appeal to character), facts and figures (logos, or appeal to logic), and consistency. (The third classic value, pathos, or appeal to emotion, is not out of place among the first two, and often the most effective arguments incorporate all three.) Testimony: Quote or refer to experts or well-known figures to bolster your argument. Prediction: Depict a positive outcome to your solution. Anticipation: Preempt or respond to disagreement or skepticism by rebutting other options. Comparison: Encourage agreement by pointing to examples of existing phenomena that reflect your viewpoint or proposition. Personality: Inject warmth and vitality into your argument to appeal to your readers. Inclusion: Encourage buy-in by inviting readers to be part of the movement or the party of adherents to your viewpoint, or to join the clientele or customer base. Style and Strategy Consider your audience when determining your tone, but keep the basics in mind: Write clearly, coherently, and concisely, and use the active voice. But also keep in mind persuasive strategies such as emphasizing benefits, not features; writing for the undecided; and concentrating on expressing, not impressing, the reader. Finally, recite your composition, no matter what the intended medium or audience. If it doesn’t work as a speech, it’s unlikely to succeed in writing. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Freelance Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Whimsical Words50 Types of Propaganda5 Tips to Understand Hyphenated Words
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Bus 698-week 13 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Bus 698-week 13 - Essay Example †¢ The environment is dynamic: certain issues in the environment may draw high attention currently than they might have done previously (Gallup poll keep consistency in questions of measurement to some political polls even if events at some point had made questions less for this same reason). †¢ People are dynamic. The moment the respondent matures, varying answers reflect not only their level of maturity but also sensitivity and familiarity of the topics. Measurement session may tune participants into topics once altered. The participants of the group may change due to illness, become potential parents, loose interests or even die hence dropping out longitudinal sample study. This is the right time for discussion whether respondents that are being replaced are required to be matched for the results to be comparable in the study of longitudinal. 2. The possibilities for the student choices are fairly broad. The question does well as a group exercise where you divide findings, and each group picks more than one facts from the subset of findings to base on for argument. Additionally, it is a great time to reinforce that even fewer statistics can be more memorable than many statistics when making a point to capture the attention. 3. Students often have varied costs linked with reaching diverse subsets of the sample. Although it is not yet right time to discuss budgetary of research, Students have the wrong perception that online surveys are the best as far as cost constraint is concerned. It is the right time to discuss on the web survey that they are no free, and many other factors influence the online survey or any other method. Apparently, proof point was in a position of trying to establish an IT provider in UK, so quoting U.S statistics study would not encompass captured concentration once felt is important in UK. If the first study in UK shows cohesion with US then reassessment of data could be done if it were
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Management of medical equipment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1
Management of medical equipment - Essay Example The acquisition subcycle is further subdivided into the following phases: technology assessment, technology planning, acquisition, acceptance, and finally replacement and disposal (Chan, 2003). Technology assessment includes the assessment of the technology or in this case the equipment, mostly in relation to its safety and performance, as well as its projected effect in terms of patient outcomes and its impact on the economic and ethical elements of healthcare (Vallejo-Torres,, 2008). Medical technology and equipment are evaluated in general terms and in relation to other technologies, procedures and interventions. The goal of medical technology assessment is to ensure objective as well as quality data which can be used by stakeholders in their decision-making (Vallejo-Torres,, 2008). The general application of the technology assessment is on the assessment of technologies and equipment after they are introduced in the marketplace. Other experts and researchers however are also quick to point out that new technologies must be assessed before they are incorporated into the clinical practice (Pietzsch and Pate-Cornell, 2008). By evaluating the technology and equipment in the soonest possible time, it is possible to improve health outcomes, reduce wrong investments, and prevent possible ethical issues arising from these technologies (Pietzsch and Pate-Cornell, 2008). Technology planning is the next phase in the acquisition subcycle (Dyro, 2004). This planning phase includes an interdisciplinary planning process alongside years of experience in hospital management and construction, ensuring the establishment of functional procedures within the clinical practice (Hospital Technology, 2012). Planning medical technology...Medical technology and equipment are evaluated in general terms and in relation to other technologies, procedures and interventions. Planning medical technology also includes the acquisition of large-scale medical equipment including M RI, CT, PET-CT, and angiographies among others (Hospital Technology, 2012). The acquisition of the technology includes the actual purchase of the equipment itself. The last phase of the acquisition process is the replacement and disposal of the medical equipment. Unreliable equipment is also usually replaced. Where medical equipment is deemed unserviceable, it is also the responsibility of equipment services managers to indicate to the concerned department managers about the need for equipment replacement. Utilisation subcycle The other phase in the medical equipment lifecycle is the utilisation subcycle. Quality assurance is carried out in order to identify defective medical equipment (David, 2003). Utilisation subcycle and clinical governance Where the users of the equipment are properly trained, the risk to the patient and the medical staff is reduced. The training in equipment use would also include how the users can maintain the equipment, and this process usually includes the daily cleaning and maintenance of the equipment (Pardeshi, 2005). Quality assurance processes often involves routine maintenance and routine equipment check by the technicians as well as independent quality assurance agencies (WHO, 2013). Medical equipment management is an important aspect of the efficient delivery of healthcare services.
Monday, November 18, 2019
How Has the Introduction of the Computers And IT to Markets Changed Research Paper
How Has the Introduction of the Computers And IT to Markets Changed the Way Stocks And Bonds Trade - Research Paper Example Computer technology and internet has changed the dynamics of global financial markets and this will be explained in great detail. Information technology has increased the dissemination of information and this has contributed to the growth of financial sector all over the world. Information technology has also made financial markets of the world integrated. The study will help identify possible effects of development of information technology and computer on the financial markets, specifically on bond trading and stock trading. Research Question Information technology has brought many changes in our daily life. The financial markets all over the world are now in the reach of normal investors which was previously not possible. But this is just one effect of information technology and computers on financial markets. In order to better understand how computers and internet have revolutionized stock and bond trading the more aftereffects of information technology should be identified. Res earch question we would want to answer through this study is given below: Question: How has the introduction of the computers and IT to markets changed the way stocks and bonds trade? Literature Review Financial markets started to grow rapidly in the 1980s when financial liberalization became the norm. Countries like United States started to liberate their financial sectors and deregulation started in the financial markets. Private firms and investment houses were given freedom to come up with newer products and offer investment option to normal investors. Financial liberalization focused on deregulation of financial markets where central bank’s role was just to control inflation. This was the time of significant growth in the financial markets and investment firms... The author stresses that the results of the study have identified changes that information technology and internet has brought to trading of stocks and bonds. Information technology has increased volumes and volatility, has increased global integration, has made markets more efficient, and has increased complexity of financial products. These changes are not disputed at all and most of the literature available on the internet supports our findings. Information technology has also made markets more efficient since the dissemination of the information has improved. Now a press conference in USA can be seen live in any part of the world and investors can make decisions accordingly. Internet and computers have therefore made sure that news or event is represented in the prices of stocks. Internet has made it impossible to hide information from investors. This report makes a conclusion that Internet trading is a growing market and investment firms should try to capitalize them. Also youth is getting attracted towards online trading therefore this should also be kept in mind before launching newer products. More accurate data can be collected by conducting a survey based quantitative study. Impressions of youth and internet traders can be taken regarding stock and bond trading. This can more accurately predict specific changes that have come in trading patterns after advent of internet and computers. Longitudinal studies can also help explore more specific trading activity related questions. The research we have conducted has a major limitation. We have not collected any primary data and previous literature has been used to answers research question.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The Process Of Leading And Directing Construction Essay
The Process Of Leading And Directing Construction Essay According to Websters Dictionary, management defines as the process of leading and directing all or part of an organization, often a business one through the deployment and manipulation of resources (human, financial, material, intellectual or intangible). Other function of management is the action of measuring a quantity on a regular basis and adjusting an initial plan and the actions taken to reach ones intended goal. This applies even in situations where planning does not take place. Situational management may precede and subsume purposive management. Therefore the maintenance management will characterise the process of leading and directing the maintenance organization. British Standard Glossary of terms (3811:1993) defined maintenance as: the combination of all technical and administrative actions, including supervision actions, intended to retain an item in, or restore it to, a state in which it can perform a required function , maintenance is a set of organised activities that are carried out in order to keep an item in its best operational condition with minimum cost acquired . According to British Standard 8210 defined maintenance as the combination of all technical and administrative action intended to retain an item in, or restore it to, state in which it can perform its required function. Another British standard ( BS 8831 : 1964 ) maintenance as the combination of any action will be make to retain the items or restore it to make sure it in acceptable standard , maintenance management typically required both capital and operating expenditure. The maintenance management needs to work hard to make sure the maintenance standard is achieved. According to (Noble, 1984; Lee, 1987).there is no absolute maintenance definition for maintenance, the definition is very subjective, the standard is depends on person, or organization as a client request. The standard of maintenance is base on the objectives of the company or organization that the maintenance company will take care. Every building have their function and the maintenance works need to achieve to make sure the building is function as the client wanted, for example, for the building that function as a business purposed, the maintenance standard is high, such as maintenance for hotel building. According to books (building pathology principles and practice by David S. Watt), building and their services inevitably become obsolete as a result of factor relating to the use of the building (functional, economic, locational, social, statutory or physical) and changes in the needs of building user. BS 3811: 1984 define maintenance as A combination of any action carried out to retain an item in, or restore it to an acceptable condition. From this definition two key components can be identified: Action that will take is not only to the physical execution of maintenance, but it also concerned with its initiation, financing and organization. The notion of an acceptable condition, which implies and understanding or requirement for the effective usage of the building and its parts which in turn compel broader consideration of building performance. The committee on building maintenance recommended the adoption of the following definition work undertaken in order to keep, restore or improve every facilities, i.e. every part of the building, its services and surround to a currently acceptable standard that and to sustain the utilities and value of the facilities. According to Paul Wordsworth ( Lee s Building Maintenance Management, 4th edition ) The Charted Institute of Building offer the following definition work undertaken in order to keep ,restore or improve every facilities i.e. every part of building services and surround to an agreed standard by the balanced between need and available resource. 2.2 MAINTENANCE OBJECTIVE Maintenance may be undertaken either in anticipitation of failure (preventive maintenance) or carried out to restore the building to an acceptable standard after failure (corrective maintenance). According to several of reference the successful maintenance program should achieve these goals. Help buildings function as they were intended and operate at peak efficiency, including minimizing energy consumption. (Harvey H. Kaiser, The Facilities Managers Reference (Kingston, MA: R. S. Means Companying., 1989), 81; and American Public Works Association (APWA), Public Works Management Practices (Chicago: APWA, August 1991), 65.). Building maintenance must achieve to make sure the building can functioning as it proposed to be. For example, the design for commercial building must be function to attract people to come; proper maintenance to keep the building in good condition must be program. Prevent failures of building system that would interrupt occupant activities and the delivery of public services. (R. S. Means Company, Inc., Cost Planning Estimating for Facilities Maintenance (Kingston,MA: R. S. Means Company, Inc., 1996), 264.) Building that operate trouble-free allow public employee to do their jobs and serve the public. Because building maintenance includes regular inspection and replacement of equipment crucial to operating a building, maintenance staff reduces the problem that might otherwise lead to a breakdown in operation. Sustain a safe and healthful environment by keeping building and their component in good repairs and structurally sound.( APWA, Public Works Management Practices, 63; and International Code Council, Inc., International Property Maintenance Code 1998 (Country Club Hills, IL: International Code Council, Inc.,1997), 9-10.). Building maintenance must protect every building component in good condition, to create safe and healthful environment to the building occupant. Any serious defect to the building must be take an action because event a small defect it can slowly effect the building structure, and sometimes it also can effect to the occupant health. Provide maintenance in ways that are cost- effective. (Federal Facilities Council, Standing Committee on Operations and Maintenance, Budgeting for Facilities Maintenance and Repair Activities (Washington D.C.: National Academy Press, 1996), 29. Cost-effective denotes both economic efficiency and desirable results.) A main goal of maintenance is to minimize cost without reduce the quality services and building performance. To achieve cost effective a proper building maintenance cost planning must be developed to make the maintenance cost that will be spent for the building is relevant. To protect building owner invest for the building. (Dr. Ahmad Bin Ramly, 2002, Prinsip dan Praktis Pengurusan Bangunan) Building owner has been investing a lot of money for the building; every investment must give an income. The increasing operation and maintenance cost of building will cause the owner investment will unrelavant and also not economical for a long term. The impact will be more conspicuous when the building has a lot of problem defect and need a lot of repairing works. 2.3 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CLASSIFICATION. In generally, building maintenance can be categories into 2 categories, planned and unplanned maintenance. Planned maintenance is maintenance organized and carried out with forethought, control and the used of record to a predetermined planned. Maintenance works must be program properly, to make sure there no failure will occurred, any defects or problem must be recorded to make the observation works will be easier. Unplanned maintenance is ad hoc maintenance carried out to no predetermined plan. According to the Audit Commission considered a better maintenance to be as follows. Strategic repair and maintenance. This represent work required for a long term preservation of an asset, and includes planned maintenance of the building fabric (decoration and routine replacement), maintenance of engineering services and maintenance repair items such as re-roofing. There are normally item which can be plan of because, for some extent there can be foreseen and budgeted for. Tactical repair and maintenance. These items are related with day to day works of minor nature in response to immediate need. The audit commission point out that tactical maintenance is not necessarily the same as responsive maintenance as some immediate respond item are clearly of strategic nature for example a flat of roof failure. According to BS 3811 and for practical purposed about maintenance classifications are Preventive maintenance this maintenance carried out at pre determined interval, or corresponding to prescribe criteria, and intended to reduce probability of failure or the performance degradation of an item. Corrective maintenance maintenance carried out after failure is occurred, an intended to restore an item to a state in which it can perform it required function. Emergency maintenance maintenance which it is necessary to put in hand immediately to avoid serious consequences. Condition based maintenance preventive maintenance as a result of knowledge of the condition of an item from routine or continuous monitoring. Schedule maintenance preventive maintenance to carried out to a pre-determined interval of time, number of operation mileage etc. Another maintenance classification was made by Noble (1984) that classified maintenance as five different types: a. Routine or cyclic maintenance, it is task carried out at more or less regular intervals without prior inspection, such as cutting grass, lamp changing, cleaning of drains and gutters. b. Planned maintenance; can be determined as selected services, plant and equipment. It is a regular inspection and servicing (lubrication and adjustment) with repairs and replacements made or programmed only when found to be necessary. c. Planned inspection, for selected elements of structure, fabric and finishes. It is a regular inspection but with maintenance work carried out or only when found to be necessary. d. Breakdown or emergency maintenance, an action taken to remedy failure. e. Minimum maintenance, often applied to premises awaiting disposal. No action except to meet mandatory requirements, e.g. for health or safety, to conform to the terms of a lease, or to keep the property wind and waterproof. MAINTENANCE STANDARD In maintenance management there is no specific statement that defines the maintenance standard for building. In generally, maintenance standard is base on the client requirement and the contractor will know the standard base on the owner requirement. According to Dr Ahmad Bin Ramly, maintenance standard is basically same in any building or equivalent with the type of building, however in practically small size building will be easier to maintain and easier in maintenance management. Many of it repairing works can be done as planning. For the building that larger and more complex, with sophisticated design it will need a lot of special service. To fulfill the maintenance need, the building owner needs to provide one maintenance department to take care of the building facility and services. If the owner want to take consultant to maintain their building, they must specify ,what maintenance jobs will be carried out ,then ,all the workers must be supervise properly, to make sure the maintenance work is followed as planned. Besides that, all the maintenance workers must a qualified person to carry out the works, there must be no person can do the maintenance job, except the qualified person or maintenance expert. Milne, 1985, the main idea about maintenance standard is basically the request or maintenance work order from the owner to contractor, which area or defect that should be repair or replace, and this order should be clear as a standard for the contractor to perform the job. The work order should include the sufficient detail in order to enable the workman to take with him the correct quantity and type of material when making the maintenance work. In fact some of 40% of the maintenance standard was directed in site. (Lee, 1987) have mention, in building maintenance management describe building maintenance standard can be divide into two categories. Lower level The need of maintenance due to increasing probability of failure involving not only enhanced repairs costs but also consequential losses where the normal user of the building is interfered with. Upper level Set by a cost of achieving it. Lee also said about building individual element, he divide the maintenance standard into three condition : Physical condition of the elements. Has two related terms, the condition of element that related to the magnitude of defect that calls for remedial action and second is the performance or environment systems. Times criteria. When the repair or replacement will be make. At this method, the maintenance need frequent inspection and its need a little bit knowledge about decoration. The balance between frequently inspection, risk, and consequences of failure is the important part that should be achieve. Financial criteria. This criterion can be taken from the variable sum based on the costs of some primary activity or replacement value, or taken from fixed sum based on historic costs or an analysis of anticipated benefits. In certain time, maintenance works sometimes have a difficulty during do an operation some product that gives unsatisfaction to the owner. However, this problem can be solving if the proper maintenance works can be program, beside give a relevant budget. It can be done smoothly with one good maintenance program. MAINTENANCE NEEDS According to Dr. Ahmad bin Ramly state that in Principe, the important building maintenance can be seen in four main aspects: Investment value. Building design Building function. heritage stuff 2.5.1 Retaining investment value. There is no person that have been invest for one thing want to lost, they always hope what they have been spent the money will be get a benefit from it. It also same with building owner, they have spent a lot of money for the building; so, they wanted their investment will be worth, and they will get the benefits. There are two type of income that usually investor hopes from their investment. Short term income. It means the owner hope to get profit from their new building. They hope their new building can be sold fastly, especially when the owner used loan to buy the land, then they must sale the building quickly, so they can cut the loan interest quickly. If the sale is slow, the loan interest will be rise, and when the interest is more than profit, the owner will be lost. Long term investment. Long term investment usually consists of calculation about rental rate that will be get and sale price. If the investor find the land market is in the good condition and increase, or any sign that the land market will be a rise, usually the owner will save their property for a longer term, so that, one day, they can sale the land or building with the higher price, or they used tenant as a source to pay the loan. Building Design. With proper building maintenance, the building will be look more interesting and less defects will occur. There have some reason that can cause the building will look not interesting and a lot of defect occurs: Dirt because of user careless. Natural environment effects. Such as, weather, season and air pollution. Insect attack. Fungus and plant attract. A decay that usually attack at some part of building that has dampness. Natural disaster or any unpredictable accident. Building function. All building that build have a reason to build, there have their function. So, proper building maintenance program will help to retain the building function as planned. There have some reason, why the building need maintenance to retain their function : To remain their actual design function and their construction objectives especially for preservation and conservation proposed. To maintain and fulfill building occupant needs or the owner. To remain or followed the statutory requirement or other local authority requirement. To remain building space with other services that have been provide for the buildings. To make sure all the facilities that provide or other services always functioning and can be used all the time Heritage Stuff The awareness and interest of the public and country to heritage item is increase. Now a day, the heritage stuffs not only just a collection to the people that interest with history, but now, it can be main things to make money. The heritage stuff such as old building, fortress, and houses not only have high value from their design, but for some local community it was a main thing to them, to make money. Those structures can attract tourist from out or in the country to come. 2.5.5 The satisfaction of building needs. According to Paul Wordsworth (Lee building maintenance management ,4th edition), said that, in order to put the problem into perspective it is necessary to view maintenance in the context of the overall building process. The building needs community is met by interrelated construction activities of maintaining, modernizing and replacing existing stock of building and by erection of additional new building.( figure 2.0) The recent express view is that the level of expenditure on maintenance is too high. However in order to know the reasonable of expenditure is reasonable or not it is necessary to consider 3 factors: Whether the amount spent is excessive in relation to the work done. The amount that provide for maintenance works need to use carefully, to make sure the works is reasonable with the budget. Whether the work which is done is necessary and unavoidable. There are many reported cases of early maintenance which could have been avoided with better design and the suitable of the material. Whether it would be advantageous to carry out more works. Clearly construction resourced are limited and the goal should be to achieve the optimum allocation of manpower, material and capital between the maintenance and improvement of existing building and the construction of new building. 2.6 MAINTENANCE PLANNING The maintenance planning is one of the important element in develop the good maintenance works, according to Barrie Charter and Peter Swallow, (1996, The Maintenance Management) state that, the basic principle of the planning should be firmly understood before considering maintenance planning specifically. The planning should be transparent to make sure the workers are understood what is the maintenance planning and their goal to achieve. The maintenance planning should be planned before the construction building , this will make sure to take account the effect of the building design to the maintenance aspect. According to Dr. Ahmad Bin Ramli (2002, Pengurusan Penyelenggaraan Bangunan), the maintenance planning should be done in five stages: The building in still in design stage. The proper maintenance planning should be plan at this stage need to be rigid and nonstop, especially for those building that need to do renovation in the future, the maintenance aspects need to take account to make sure the building long lasting. In the construction stage, the maintenance manager need to know the progress to make sure the construction works is followed as in planned. Before handover to the owner. the planning should be prepare before the building is handover to the new owner, the maintenance manager must know the condition of the building , and the new owner need, from the information, maintenance manager can program the maintenance works for the client need. The change of use to the building. The maintenance manager should have a planned if the building will change to the new function, they must know the relevant of the new function that will be use to the building. The maintenance manager should give advice or inform to the new owner about the impact of the building function to the maintenance. The change of maintenance budget. The change of maintenance budget is not impossible if the client faces the economic problem, the maintenance manager need to plan what should do to use the new budget to the maintenance. Thats mean if the client decides to cut the maintenance budget, the manager should cut down the unimportant works, and only focus on the serious maintenance works. Change of manpower. There have a possibilities that the manpower will decrease, this is because with some reason, such as because of high demand that the workers cannot accept the situation, and resign. The because of the economic problem by the owner, maybe a lot of worker will be reject to cut the operation fees. The maintenance manger should reprogram all the planning, and find the other alternative to face the problem. 2.7 PROBLEM IN MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT. Maintenance management is very important for the building, a good maintenance management will make the building life span is more, and also can reduce maintenance cost for the building. Any small defects at the building must be identify and must be solve it as soon as possible, because the small defects is like a cancer that slowly will become big defects in the future. Big defect means, big problem, and big problem need big cost to solve. However, why there still have some of the building that have maintenance department, but the defects still occurs? Until sometimes the defects have cause injuries to the people who used the building. There are some general ideas about the problem in maintenance management: The building design. The building design is one of the factors that cause problem in maintenance management. Sometimes, the building designer does not consider about building maintenance during design the building, the design just take serious about building appearance compare to building maintenance. Some maintenance access must have to provide to make maintenance works can be done quickly and safe, beside that to make sure all part of building can be reach, so that any problem to the building can be Identify and solve quickly. Maintenance budget. Budget for maintenance is very important things, with the relevant budget, the maintenance management can manage all the maintenance cost properly. Most of the owner didnt want to spend a lot of budget for maintenance, because for them, the money is more important to use it in their business. For government building, limited budget to maintain will cause the maintenance management could not do their job properly. Because, the maintenance equipment, such as any specials equipment is very expensive, but it is very important tools, to make sure the building test or survey is accurate. Poor maintenance program. Poor maintenance program means the maintenance manager failed do their job to manage the building properly. Good maintenance management can provide the good maintenance program such as, provide maintenance information management, routine maintenance schedule, proper maintenance planning, and manage maintenance budget. Lack of professional skills. Maintenance management is a work that needs a skill to manage it. Less professional workers to manage building maintenance is very important to make maintenance management process can do smoothly. Professional person in maintenance need to know all about maintenance, such as , programming maintenance work, get to know , the suitable material to use for building and also know how to do and analysis test. Some country needs to import the professional worker from oversea to do this works. It is very sad, when government need to spend a lot of money to pay foreign workers. It will be better if the works can be managed by local people. Unqualified workers Maintenance works need a qualified person to do the work; this is because maintenance work is dangerous which the workers need to handle dangerous equipment such as electrical system. At this stage, maintenance management is responsible to take a qualified person, besides have high skill or experience to do maintenance works. The maintenance workers need have a high knowledge about the works that they will do,they need to know how to reduce the risk and work safety during do the maintenance works.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Violent Crime Research Paper -- Criminal Murder Jail Prison Essays Pap
Violent Crime Research Paper Nothing does more to tear our families apart than violent crime, guns, gangs, drugs, and the fear that walks alongside those terrors. Violent crime and victim rights have become a major concern for most citizens in the United States of America. Statistics indicate a decline in violent crimes in our country and an increase in our national prison population. Released prisoners commit most violent crimes. Gun control legislation, reform programs, victim rights awareness, and other programs are abundant in our country, but do little to alleviate violent crime. In this paper I will try to present the liberal and conservative views on this issue as well as my own views. Violent crime is a complex problem and can only be responded to in complex ways. "Quick fix" solutions to the problem are likely to be misguided. There was a decline in crime during the 1990s. Our country enjoyed seven years of declining crime for the period 1991-98, the most recent data available. During this period crime declined by 22% and violent crime by 25%. These are welcome developments, particularly following the surge of crime and violence of the late 1980s. This decline occurred during a time when the national prison population has increased substantially, rising from 789,60 in 1991 to 1,252,830, a 59% rise in just seven years and a 47% increase in the rate of incarceration, taking into account changes in the national population (Mauer 21-24). Many observers have drawn a simple correlation between these two trends. Putting more offenders in prison caused the reduction in crime. The Sentencing project has just completed a study that examines this issue in great detail and concludes that any such correlation is ambiguous at best. In examining the relationship between incarceration and crime in the 1990s the picture is complicated by the seven year period just prior to this, 1984-91. In this period, incarceration also rose substantially, at a rate of 65%. Yet crime rates increased during this time as well, by 17% nationally. Thus we see a continuous rise in incarceration for fourteen years, during which crime rose for seven years, then declined for seven years. This does not suggest that incarceration had no impact on crime, but any such connection is clearly influenced by other factors. A comparison with other nations is instructive in this rega... ... â€Å"Megan’s Law†requiring that people should be told if a sex offender lives in their area. (Federal Sentencing Reporter 10). Statistics indicate that strangers commit only one percent of violent crimes against women (The New American Magazine). I want to be protected, if I am in this small percentage. When a woman awakens and sees a male stranger crawling through her window and heading toward her bed, he is not a small percentage. He is a 100 percent fiend. But, if she had a pistol under her pillow and knew how to use it, she could make him a 100 percent corpse, and the world would be a far better place (The New American Magazine). That is my reason for supporting the second amendment. Bibliography Hammer, Marion. â€Å"United We Stand, Divided We Fall.†American Hunter June 1998 James Dao, New York Times, p. A18 May 3, 2000 Lee, Robert, â€Å"Gun Report†The New American Magazine, November 11, 1996 Mauer, Marc. "Preventing and Fighting Crime, What Works?" FDCH Congressional Testimony, 10/02/2000 â€Å"Where They Agree: Regarding Guns,†Associated Press. Los Angeles Timesn April 21, 2000 May 16, 1999
Monday, November 11, 2019
Economic Growth and environmental problems Essay
The industrial revolution, which began around 1750, ushered human beings into a new era of modern civilization. While the remarkable progress in science and technology has improved people’s lives greatly, our earth is changing and the environment around us is becoming worse and worse. According to Booth (1991, p.552), the†long-run economic growth relies on the creation of new industries and new forms of economic activity, these new forms of economic activity create new kinds of environmental problems†. Focusing on these aspects, the economic growth will bring about serious environmental problems such as water pollution, air pollution, ozone depletion, and acid rain. One of environmental problems is water pollution that is caused by economic growth and is very widespread and serious in the world. Industrial wastewater is one of the water pollution that people are focusing on nowadays. As we know, with economic growth, there must be setting up more industrial factories in order to satisfy people’s needs. On the other hand, more or less, these industrial factories will drain off wastewater; as we know, these wastewater contain many toxic and harmful chemical substances, such as, SO2, NO, waste gases and some other aromatic compounds. Therefore, we can see that the rapid growth of the urban industry and the high speed of economic development caused a great deal of effect on water pollution especially on industrial wastewater. In addition, with the rapid economic growth, some out of date used water supply systems in developing countries can result in water pollution, especially in the populous mega-cities. The population in developing country mega-cities is increasing so fast that the piped water supply and sewer systems cannot follow the needs of the increasing population. Many sewer networks in developing countries still stay at the standard of colonial period. Therefore, most rivers and canals in developing countries are seriously polluted by untreated waste, sewage and toxic chemicals. Some rivers like the Teito River in Sao Paolo and the Huangpu River in Shanghai have become lifeless rivers (Rampal &Sinding, 1996). As the same time that the surface water is polluted, various wastes also seriously defile ground water. In the Journal â€Å"2000, Planets Earth at the Crossroads’, the author Jim Motavalli showed â€Å"in developing countries, more than one-third of people lack access to clean water†(1999). Meanwhile, water pollution also aggravates water shortages. With rapid economic growth, the increasing human activity is the major reason for air pollution, especially on global warming, acid rain and smog. Obvious climate changes are the results of a great deal of human-caused greenhouse gas emission. In order to satisfy the needs of continued population and economic growth, people burn more fossil fuel to get enough energy and use more fertilizer on farmland to plant more crops. In these processes, lots of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (NO) are released in to the atmosphere. These gases are generally called greenhouse gases because they can absorb infrared radiation reflected from the earth surface and create â€Å"Greenhouse Effect†. According to Rogers & Feiss (1998,p.301), with the increasing atmosphere concentration of CO2 and CH4 since 1800, the average temperature of the earth rose about 0.5 C during the 19th century, which is about 20 times the natural temperature change. And based on the prediction of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (in Rogers & Feiss, 1998, p.301) in early 1996, the global temperature will increase from 2 C to 6 C by the year 2100. Some evidence supports that the prediction about global warming is true. For example, except for1991 and 1992, the rest eight years from 1985 to1995 have become the hottest years of the past century; among this decade, the average temperature in 1995 was 0.07 C higher than in 1994. With this rising rate, the global temperature will increase over 7 C by the end of the 21st century (Rogers & Feiss, 1998, pp.300-302). Thus, we can how the global temperature has been changed by increasing human activities accompanied by fast economic growth during past 200 years. Global warming may result in some serious consequences, such as the expansion of tropical desert and arid regions; the reduction of agricultural production in tropical area; the increase of sea level; population migration from coastlines to inland; and abnormal weather including more tropical storm, blizzards, and droughts and so on. The increasing emission of greenhouse gases will continue to affect the global worming more obvious than before. Up to now, people had no idea how to solve these potential environmental problems that will be caused by global warming. Widespread acid rain and smog comes from burning large amount of oil and coal. All kinds of automobiles, factories, industrial boilers, power plants as well as heating devices of households emit thousands tons sulfur dioxide(SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), carbon monoxide(CO) and ozone(O3) into the atmosphere everyday. When SO2 and NO2 dissolve in rainwater and increase rainwater acidity, acid rain is formed. Acid rain can acidify many lakes and streams, and it kills all kinds of fish; it also can erode soil and make plants die. Now, in the eastern United States, eastern Canada, as well as Europe, the problem of acid rain is severe. On the other hand, these gases compound with water and dust in the atmosphere, and then form smog. Smog usually stays in the populous mega-cities and contributes to lung decease. 100 years ago, London was famous for its smog. Now, most of the 20 largest cities in the world have smog problem to some degree. Human-caused air pollution is threatening peopleâ⠂¬â„¢s health and our environment. People have entered the new millennium. The global environment has been changing over time due to rapid economic growth. Meanwhile, the economic growth will be ongoing. It is difficult to control the environmental problems that caused by economic growth although people are trying to make some policies to limit and minimize these serious problems. Up to now, rapidly increasing economic growth has seriously influenced the earth environment. All activities are due to the need of population growth and economic development. With economic growth continuing, the environment will worsen. Therefore, to reduce the world’s environmental problems, it is important to control economic growth.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Robert Bunsen essays
Robert Bunsen essays Robert Wilhelm Bunsens name was famous for a a few discoveries in the field of chemistry. For example... you might recognize Bunsen from the lab device, the Bunsen Burner. He also helped invent the spectroscope and discovered spectrum analysis. And at the beginning of his career, he discovered that iron oxide is an antidote for arsenic. Robert Bunsen was born on March 31st, 1811 in Gottingen, Germany. He was educated at the University of Gottingen, and between 1836 and 1852, he taught at the Polytechnic Institute in Kassel and the universities of Marburg + Breslau. He was considered as one of the greatest chemists in the world all because of his discoveries and inventions. Though Bunsens name may make you think about the Bunsen Burner (by popular belief), it turns out that he had little to do with the invention. Although he popularized the device, the credit for the design goes to the British chemist/physicist, Michael Faraday. Bunsen improved the burner's design to aid in spectroscopy. The bunsen burner was a heating device thats used in labs because it proveides a hot, steady and smokeless flame. It was named after Robert Bunsen because he was the one who adapted the concept of the gas-air burner in 1855. The burner is a short and vertical tube of metal connected to a gas source and theres a hole at the bottom to admit the air. The flow of the air is controlled by an adjustable collar on the tube. Within five years of the development of the burner, Bunsen and was deeply involved with spectroscopy, inventing another instrument: the Bunsen-Kirchhoff spectroscope. This instrument of chemical analysis can trace its ancestry to components like a "prism, a cigar box, and two ends of otherwise unusable old telescopes. From the beginnings came the instrument which proved to be of importance in chemical analysis and the discovery of new elements. ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Digital manipulation essays
Digital manipulation essays Digital manipulation has been a wonderful advancement for people who make films. The latest hit Moulin Rouge took 3 years to produce, owing to the digital graphics which saw the recreation of last centurys red light district of Paris. To get the fill for the buildings the filmmakers had to travel to Paris and hunt down old buildings and photograph the actual brickwork. Such detail has enabled we, the consumer, to be able to experience the era in a way that could not have been imagined even 5 years ago. Even wondrous advances like this have a real downside. I believe that the use of digital manipulation has become quite dangerous. We have unprecedented amounts of young women and young men who are literally starving themselves to death in order to maintain or gain a body image that they see as desirable because of the press. We have mature people spending fortunes on plastic surgery in order to try to stave off the ravages of time. It is one thing to simply remove the wrinkles off of Madonnas or Andy McDowells face for cosmetic advertisements we all know that these photos have been retouched since the invention of advertising. It becomes another thing altogether when the person who you are looking at does not exist, except in the computer of some highly paid digital manipulation expert. It is the continual bombardment, day after day, that makes us all start to believe that what we are seeing is reality. Once upon a time the really greats of the film industry reflected what the general population looked like (only better). It is said time and time again that Marilyn Monroe would not get a job in Hollywood today, as she would have been considered far too fat. She was a gorgeous size 16!!! Now we have people who are size 6 told to lose a couple of kilos!!! The much-reported case of Gerri Halliwell o ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Mandatory Sentencing Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Mandatory Sentencing - Coursework Example This is because mandatory sentencing acts like a standardized method of passing judgment that favor every person. In fact, it eliminates the sympathy factor. Basing on substantial research in the United States, especially in regions like Massachusetts, Michigan, New York, and Florida, mandatory sentencing has a little or no preventative effect because crimes happen even when the masterminds are still in prison. In addition, mandatory sentencing is expensive and labor intensive (Zimring, 2004). This is in relation to housing the offenders, providing them with basic needs, providing security. In the United States, it costs up to $50,000 to take care of a prisoner in a single year, and approximately $300,000 to build a new prison cell. In my opinion, mandatory sentencing provisions are cynical. They can only be substantial in the hands of judges, who have a professional background in dealing with crimes. Politicians use such policies to instill fear in people so that they can gain and retain political power, even when they do not deserve it. The Judiciary arm should be independent as possible. Interference by the Legislature deprives it of its authority to exercise power. All cases should be left for the courts to view and assess the causes, come up with evidence and give a legitimate conclusion. Mandatory sentencing gives rise to personal bias because the verdict is always given by the prosecutor, who may give low-level offenders a high level mandatory sentence due to personal indifferences. Mandatory sentencing is a good weapon in reducing crimes and boosting community well being. This is very effective especially where people illegally use guns or other public threatening weapons without prior permission. However, it deprives people of their human rights since some may receive unfair judgment especially if not listened to or when their cases are not investigated into. Sherman, L., Gottfredson, D.,
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Analysis of Existentialist Philosophy by Sartre Literature review
Analysis of Existentialist Philosophy by Sartre - Literature review Example This is the responsibility of authenticity, realizing one's being and acting in good faith (Brown, 1948). These three propositions are reflected in Frank O'Connor's "Guests of the Nation" and Albert Camus' "The Guest." O'Connor and Camus highlight the absurdity of the universe and show how the failure to make choices which reflect authentic being, leads to existentialist suffering. The titles of both short stories express the theme of absurdity. In O'Connor's story, the two Englishmen are war hostages, the prisoners of the Irish soldiers, Donovan, Noble and Bonaparte and certainly not "guests of the nation." In Albert Camus' "The Guest," the reader questions the identity of the guest. Is it Daru, the European who has no other home than Algeria; Balducci, the military police officer who personifies French authority and colonial power; or is it the Arab, for whom Algeria is the home of his ancestors and his homeland. By making readers question the nature of the guest, host, enemy, friend relationship, both O'Connor and Camus draw attention to the absurdity of allowing politics, rather than our nature, to dictate our relationship with others. The absurdity of trying to impose political meaning on relationships is highlighted in "Guests of the Nation." Belcher and Hawkins, officially war hostages, were, however, treated as guests and as friends, a fact which makes their execution all the more absurd horrendous. As Bonaparte says, "after the first day or two we gave up all pretense of keeping a close eye on them." (Reference) They did not need to keep a close eye on Belcher and Hawkins because they had become part of the surroundings and had integrated into the community. They were not, on the human and interpersonal level, enemies. The absurdity of war had made them enemies and when they were able to leave the war behind them, even if temporarily, they became friends. This makes their execution all the more absurd because, at the end of the day, there is no reason for executing these two men. It is not the senselessness of the act which incites the existential suffering in the Irish soldiers because existentialist philosophy is premised upon an acknowledgment of the inherent absurdity of life. Instead, suffering is an outcome of the fact that their participation in the execution was not something which agreed with them. At some deep, internal level, the soldiers objected to the executions but carried them out, thereby failing to act authentically. The futility of existence and the absurdist nature of the universe are further reflected in the theme of senseless deaths. Camus's "The Guest" is set in Algeria but of the three main characters, only the Arab is Algerian.Â
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